Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Siglap Tree Planting Day - 6 November 2010

We are so blessed! No rain! Yesterday morning , it was raining cats and dogs
and the morning after the event, it was raining again.

The tree planting at Jalan Kasturi went on without a hitch. Four Salam trees were planted. And although the trees were already in the holes dug for that purpose, it was still very meaning to cover the trees with soil and then water them.

The party then proceeded to the Limau Manis Playground to launch the Limau Estate Community Lime Garden. Our Guest of Honour Mr Abdullah Tarmugi unveil the plaque.
and went on to inspect identification tags of all Limau plants. eg Limau Nipis, Limau Kasturi, Limau Bali and Limau Manis

The Gardening Club and Limau Estate NC members played host to all the guests at the function
and all had good breakfasts while making friends with one and all.

( See slideshow on the right hand column)

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