Friday, May 30, 2014

Estate Upgrading Programme at Limau Estate / Eastwood Ria

Dear Residents,

If your house is sited within the boundary of the Estate Upgrading Programme ( EUP) of Limau Estate/ Eastwood Ria , you would be receiving an invitation card soon to attend a Residents Briefing and Dialogue session to update you on the upgrading proposals in the Estate.

EUP Briefing & Dialogue with Dr Mohd Maliki Osman                                                     
Date: Saturday 14 Jun 2014
Time: 10.30 am to 12.30pm                                                                            
Venue: Siglap Community Centre
           300 Bedok South Ave 3

9.30am: Registration, free breakfast and viewing of exhibits starts.
A free umbrella will be given to each household that attends the Dialogue. To collect the umbrella, please bring along the coupon in the invite card.

Please click here to register

If you are unable to attend the Briefing and Dialogue, you can still visit the exhibition of upgrading plans and drawings which will be on display from Saturday 14 June to Sunday 15 June from 9.30 am - 4.30 pm at Siglap CC.

See you at the event and we look forward to your feedback.
EUP Working Committee